Large size blocks of your favorite colours of Premo oven bake polymer clay by Sculpey
Premo polymer clay by Sculpey is the top selling polymer clay and is favoured by artists around the world for it’s huge range of densely saturated colours, that can be blended for infinite custom creations. Premo is a non-toxic oven baked clay that after conditioning is soft enough to blend easily, but firm enough to hold fine detail.
It’s perfect for specialised techniques such as caning, mokume gane and mica shift. Premo is strong and flexible once baked this makes it ideal for jewellery, home décor and functional items. Made in USA.
Baking Instructions Bake at 130 °C for 30 minutes per 6 mm thickness, the thicker the longer you bake. DO NOT increase the temperature of the oven above or below 130 or the clay will either not cure or burn.